Money Dail Through Google  Adsense duction, You are special

You are reading this report, because you are special. This report was specifically written for my

partners and members of my mentoring team and that is YOU.

I am not planning to sell this report but If I do, it will sell for nothing less than N10,000 and that is

because this is a step by step guide on how you can build an empire of profit around Google adsense

and start making from $100 to $200 per website, which means if you have just 20 of them you will be

averaging $4,000 every month from Google adsense alone and it wont take more than 2hrs of work!

Before you start thinking 20 blogs is too much, read this:

My goal is to set-up 150 blogs Between September and November. And I will do that as one man.

That means even if one blog makes me just $5 daily, that will average $22,500 from Google adsense

alone. hmm, No wonder my new goal is to make N50 Million from the Internet between September 1st

2009 and September 30th 2010. More on my new goal later

With that let's begin and read every single page carefully because it will all be practical.

Introduction To Google Adsense

Google adsense, is a system whereby Google pay you each time someone click on their advert on

your website or blog. That is Google put an advert on your site and if someone clicks it, they pay you


I have heard people bad-wash Google adsense, well I don't blame them it is because they are not

playing their cards right.

Let me give you a quick example:

Yesterday, just my forum at: alone made me $15 from Google


That was just yesterday alone, infact in less than 30 days I have gone to make like $320 from adsense

through this forum alone.

That means if I have just 30 of such website I will be making about $9,000. Which is about N1.3

Million every single month from just Google adsense alone

I just showed that to you to prove to you that Google adsense works and you are about to learn it from

a man that has been using it, so pay attention carefully.

The first thing, please follow this steps. Remember this material is what others will pay N10,000 for


The first thing you should to, is to open a Google adsense account, and I will assume that you don't

have one. So you just go to: and a page will be displayed!

After doing that, a bigger page will come up asking you to fill the following: [follow my steps below]

Before you start saying you don't have a website or blog, I used that as a example, I will show you

how to set-up a blog or website for yourself, but for now just keep following the guide.

And the you finish up and click submit.

And when you click the complete form in the second page, here Is what you get:

That means, Google has accepted your application after 2-3 days you will get a mail from them. The

reason is because they will review the site.

You have no reason to fear, in 99% of the case they will accept your application, give you your login

details and you can then login into your account. Period.

Setting Up A Blog Site

From the form above, you can see that Google will not accept you into their adsense program until you

have a blog or a website.

So, you need to get one, setting up a website will take you time and even cost you money. So we will

focus on blog, I am focusing more on blog too in my 150 blogs, at least 140 of them will be blogs. The

reason is because the same set-up of people will come back to a blog over and over again but for a

website they come just once.

For example, you may visit: just once and never come back there

again [especially if you have purchase the product] but for something like:

you will definitely want to visit it over and over again, because you are going to read newly updated

content. That is the reason BLOGS work better than Website when it comes to Google adsense.

After deciding that you want to set-up a blog, the next thing is to decide if you will go for a free blog

or a paid blog. With about N7,000 you can set-up a paid blog, but with what we have on ground a free

blog is OK. Am serious, since you are not building a business around it, then a free blog is the best bet

to go.

So here is how to create free blog
, go to:

click on create a blog.

Let Me Digress A Bit.

Before you choose a blog, you should choose the market that you want to target, This is very

important. Don't stress yourself so much any market under the following category will be great:






Make Money Online

Self-development and many others.



Weight Loss


The beautiful thing is that, for each of the market above, you can create several sub-market under it.

For example, in the health market alone, you could decide to have seperate blogs for the following:

Diabetes, Acne, Teeth Whitening, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Mouth Odour, and many others and you

could even create multiple blogs under each of them alone. Like blogs talking about acne and all of

them have Google adsense on them, a time will come making N1 Million a month will be a child's play.

For now I have decided to choose the Acne niche in the health market. So let's continue:

Then click continue, Here is what comes up next:

In the blog title section you just choose what you will like to appear in the heading of your blog and

then choose the name of your blog, just like I did. After that, your blog is ready. Then you will need to

choose a blog template and then click continue:

and then:

Your blog is ready, like you can see it takes less than 5 minutes to create a blog, which means in 3hrs

you can create like 50-70 blogs in just one day.

You can then login into your blog account and learn how it works.

Here is what your blog cpanel will look like:

To make a new post, click on NEW POST

Making Posts On Your Blog

A blog, is no blog until you have articles on it that people can read and come back to read again.

Remember we are focusing it on Google adsense and not SELLING affiliate programs.

When you click on the publish post box, your post will be live.


I want to quickly show you how to add Google adsense on your blog. The first thing is for you to log

into the Google adsense account. Am assuming that Google has approved your account.

So you go back to: and log-in into your account,

when you do that, look for the ADSENSE SET-UP box and click it:

The box shows up, then click on the ADSENSE FOR CONTENT :

then this:

Select the size.

Then another box, just keep clicking continue until you get to this place:

Until you get to this box that shows your code, the copy the code.

After you have gotten your codes, go back to your blogger account dash board and click on monetize

in the blog page. She example below:

This is the box that shows up:

Note this: Your Adsense Account Is Awaiting Approval. This is because the account has not been

approved but assuming it has been approved with just a few click your adsense will just appear on the


Here is what your adsense on your [free] blog will look like:

So each time, someone clicks on that blog, you get paid immediately.


*How to open a Google adsense account

*How to open a blogger account

*How to copy Google adsense codes

*How to place google adsense codes



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